среда, 20 августа 2008 г.

Cheap Meridia/Reductil

Meridia/Reductil is used in conjunction with exercise and a healthy diet to help people who suffer from obesity lose weight.

It is the only appetite suppressant on the market that's approved for long-term use (12 months or more). This weight loss medication works by targeting the desire for food.

Meridia (generic name: Sibutramine hydrochloride) is sold under many brand names: Meridia - in the USA; Reductil, Raductil, Reduxade, Ectiva, Obestat, Leptos in Europe and other countries.

Clinical studies have shown that patients can expect to lose up to 10% of their body weight within the first year of treatment. Weight loss is usually experienced within 3-4 weeks of taking Meridia/Reductil.

More about Meridia

Click here to buy cheap Meridia/Reductil.